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The newest addition to Grenco Science's portfolio of dried herb vaporizers, the G Pen Dash brings supreme functionality to the palm of your hand in a powerful, ultradiscreet, lightweight and affordable device Featuring a glass glazed stainless steel heating chamber with three temperature settings (375F/190C, 401F/5C, and 428F/2C), the G Pen Dash fits in any sized pocket and is1 day ago · ‡ Œ· tþ÷Çr¹êé„ùSÏ* ‹Ä© ë®þã~ ÏåG z %Ç— Ç4¨ã/Ý\ð Seï\ZûF~'m ç0 ¶ú tÅ J õÎl&äÓXBö ÖOBº‰FL ÒÉÛÖîZÜúÅÍî¥ãA²b´ØaåBZõ3 GÛNw?X¾ºÔ‹qÔ;%ÅÉ% ™8lÔFñõlýî™ñ ¡âh 2ÛÏ™ÊPõ€{8ã Kiñ³_FŽ Ál6 Gfû Dõ$æ¼Âç4Ý Rã6¶íìw J¹¬ ¶¯¼kÒOracle_Smartvelopers_GuideV –V –\BOOKMOBI 3p 96 >„ CÍ H Mâ TD Ý a¢ h mr s!
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